We are a loving family of three, hoping to be a family of four.
We love life and can't wait to share it with another child.

December 5, 2009


I am so excited that Tyler this week decided he can buckle his own seatbelt. I have no idea when most kids are able to do this, but up until Monday he pretty much refused to do it himself. For whatever reason, Monday morning I asked him to get in the car and try doing his seatbelt. After gathering coats, purse and anything else we needed, I arrived at his door to help with the seatbelt and he had the biggest brightest smile smeared on his face and he said "Mom, I did my seatbelt all by myself". He said it in a tone of suprise and amazement.

I told him of course how proud I was of him and secretly hoping that it would happen again. Well it has been a few days and he still tackles doing up his own seatbelt.

I am proud and happy for him in this simple accomplishment. I am probably more excited about it than he is, just in the fact that I don't have to climb in and out of the car to help him buckle his seatbelt anymore. Every time he does it I am still jumping for joy inside.

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