We are a loving family of three, hoping to be a family of four.
We love life and can't wait to share it with another child.

December 24, 2008


This year I wanted Tyler to begin to understand the true meaning of Christmas. Last night we went up to Primary Children's Hospital to drop off a gift to one of the children that will be in the hospital for Christmas. It breaks my heart that they won't be able to be in the comfort of their own home. Hopefully the blanket Clinton, Tyler and I made together and the book Tyler picked out will cheer him/her up this Christmas season. I have to tell a funny story, as I was trying to get Tyler to walk up to the desk and give it to the guards, Tyler said "but Mom they'll shoot me". So I had to explain that they protect the children in the hospital and that they will only shoot the bad guys. It must have comforted him enough, because then we walked up together to talk to them, and they told us we could leave the gift under the tree. After we delivered the package, we headed to see the Christmas Lights at Temple Square with Anthony, the Twins, Kendra and Mikey. It was cold but beautiful.

Tyler with the blanket and book, he wants to deliver to Primary Children's Hospital

Delivering the package

The only way we could get the kids all together is if I was in it. However, I'm glad it worked out that way, so I could have this cute picture with them all

The beautiful Temple and Lights, what a beautiful combination

One of my favorite parts of seeing the lights, is hearing the Christmas Story

December 22, 2008

BIG Snow Storm

Those who live in Utah know that the snow dumped on us today. We received 6-8" of snow and I felt like a kid in a dream. I just love love love the snow. Today we decided to try building a snowman again. I thought for sure with all of the snow we received it should work this time. Sure enough it did, the snow was really wet and perfect for building our snowman. Later we went to see Mikey and Kendra for a sled ride behind the four-wheeler. Then we heard stories from Kendra, Tyler was so enthralled that he didn't want to leave without Kendra. It was an awesome day! I haven't seen this kind of a storm since I was a kid and I had a blast playing in it.

Our Snowman

Tyler~My Favorite Boy!

Tyler sledding down a drift of snow and of course loving it!

Tyler with Uncle Mike and Aunt Kendra, who he loves, especially since they took him sledding behind the four-wheeler

My favorite picture of Tyler on the four-wheeler, I just love his tongue

Tyler ready to go for fast ride with Dad

Family time, and yes Tyler had a great time, although you wouldn't know from the look on his face

Mikey and Kendra
Thank You for a great night!


The other day I told Tyler we could build a snowman when we got off work. He wanted to invite Jordan to come help. Once Jordan came over, we headed outside to build our snowman but the snow wouldn't stick, we needed the sun. Tyler decided we should try sledding, so Clinton got his sled out and after pulling him around the yard a few times, decided they should play on the hill in our backyard. It was perfect for them, they were able to pull the sled up and do it over and over again. This was such a fun night for us all, and reminded me how much fun it is to play in the snow.

Our snowman attempt

Tyler and Jordan posing for a picture before sliding down the hill

A picture in action, do you think their having fun yet?

Tyler after just getting nailed with a snowball by Jordan

Tyler packing a snowball, watch out Jordan

Jordan and Tyler enjoying the taste of a fresh snowball

Tyler just before throwing a snowball at me

December 16, 2008

Santa and his Reindeer

For the last week or so, Tyler has been asking me if he can ride Santa's Reindeer. So on Monday night, Camille and I took Tyler to see the Reindeer. Unfortunately, they wouldn't let him ride the Reindeer, but he enjoyed getting to see and touch them. As I was taking Tyler and Camille's picture, some guy (who turned out to be Anthony) put his face right in front of the picture. Anthony and Angie were there to see Santa, so we joined up with them and Tyler got to see Santa. I was releived because he has also been asking to see Santa for a few weeks. It was a great night once again. Tyler and his cousins enjoyed spending time together.

Tyler, Camille and I with the Reindeer

Tyler trying to ride the Reindeer

Tyler settling to pet instead of ride the Reindeer

Anthony suprising me by stepping in front of a picture I was taking of Tyler and Camille

Camille and Tyler just after warming their hands, it was a cold night

The way we all felt about waiting to see Santa, it was about 1 hour wait

Tyler was so excited this year to sit on Santa's lap and tell him he wanted a Bow-n-Arrow for Christmas.

Chloe and Tate with Santa and Mrs. Claus

Chloe on Santa's lap and loving it

A family moment with the Reindeer

White Elephant Party

On Sunday, Anthony and Angie invited the family to their house for dinner and a White Elephant gift exchange. It was a great night and lots of laughs, as you can see from the pictures.

The whole family (minus Tyler and I)

Mom's White Elephant gift she opened. This video is so funny of her demonstrating to Tyler the poopy diaper.

Cameron getting a kick of his gift a naked barbie doll, Camille you better watch out

Camille loving her gift "Flarp"

Tate not sure about his Mom's gift

Mom and Dad truly enjoying the evening. Especially after Travis opened an old plant from their basement and Angie's candle with a wreath around it, bringing many childhood memories back to life

Tyler just after he opened his white elephant gift, a Dinosaur

December 1, 2008

Christmas Tree

This last weekend we put up the Christmas tree, after a lot of begging from Tyler. Saturday the tree went up, Sunday the lights and train and today we finished by putting up the decorations. I have to say the tree is beautiful, as it is every year.

I have a wonderful husband who every year puts up my tree and house lights and does an awesome job at it. Yep, he's taken. Here he is putting on the lights and putting the train together.

Tyler helping daddy with the lights, what a cute duo...

Also, tonight we started off a new holiday tradition, it's from a book I received a few Christmas' ago from my Aunt Kathy. You start the 1st of December and each day until Christmas by reading a Thought, Scripture, Activity, Song and Story all regarding the true mean of Christmas. For instance today's Song was "He Sent His Son" and the thought was:

The Father gave His Son and the Son gave His life. Without giving there is no true Christmas, and without sacrifice there is no true worship. "Christmas means 'giving', and the gift without the giver is bare. Give of yourselves; give of your substance; give of your heart and mind... "Christmas means 'compassion and love' and, most of all 'forgiveness'... How poor indeed would be our lives without the influence of His teachings and His matchless example... "He whose birth we commemorate this season is more than the symbol of a holiday. He is the Son of God, ... the Redeemer of mankind, the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace" (Gordon B. Hinckley, BYU Speeches, 14 Dec. 1960, 3-6).

Tyler had so much fun with this tonight (I hope for nights to come) and I feel like it is a great way for him to understand the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Christ. Especially since all he has been talking about lately is Santa this and Santa that. Which is great but I also what him to understand what we are really celebrating.

After what I like to call the 24 day family home evening plan. We put on our tree decorations and here is Tyler with the tree.

and Tyler smelling the tree