We are a loving family of three, hoping to be a family of four.
We love life and can't wait to share it with another child.

December 22, 2008


The other day I told Tyler we could build a snowman when we got off work. He wanted to invite Jordan to come help. Once Jordan came over, we headed outside to build our snowman but the snow wouldn't stick, we needed the sun. Tyler decided we should try sledding, so Clinton got his sled out and after pulling him around the yard a few times, decided they should play on the hill in our backyard. It was perfect for them, they were able to pull the sled up and do it over and over again. This was such a fun night for us all, and reminded me how much fun it is to play in the snow.

Our snowman attempt

Tyler and Jordan posing for a picture before sliding down the hill

A picture in action, do you think their having fun yet?

Tyler after just getting nailed with a snowball by Jordan

Tyler packing a snowball, watch out Jordan

Jordan and Tyler enjoying the taste of a fresh snowball

Tyler just before throwing a snowball at me

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