We are a loving family of three, hoping to be a family of four.
We love life and can't wait to share it with another child.

December 24, 2008


This year I wanted Tyler to begin to understand the true meaning of Christmas. Last night we went up to Primary Children's Hospital to drop off a gift to one of the children that will be in the hospital for Christmas. It breaks my heart that they won't be able to be in the comfort of their own home. Hopefully the blanket Clinton, Tyler and I made together and the book Tyler picked out will cheer him/her up this Christmas season. I have to tell a funny story, as I was trying to get Tyler to walk up to the desk and give it to the guards, Tyler said "but Mom they'll shoot me". So I had to explain that they protect the children in the hospital and that they will only shoot the bad guys. It must have comforted him enough, because then we walked up together to talk to them, and they told us we could leave the gift under the tree. After we delivered the package, we headed to see the Christmas Lights at Temple Square with Anthony, the Twins, Kendra and Mikey. It was cold but beautiful.

Tyler with the blanket and book, he wants to deliver to Primary Children's Hospital

Delivering the package

The only way we could get the kids all together is if I was in it. However, I'm glad it worked out that way, so I could have this cute picture with them all

The beautiful Temple and Lights, what a beautiful combination

One of my favorite parts of seeing the lights, is hearing the Christmas Story

1 comment:

Stacie Brown said...

You are such a good Mommy! What a nice idea to have Tyler take a gift to the hospital.

I miss you and hope we can go to lunch soon.
