We are a loving family of three, hoping to be a family of four.
We love life and can't wait to share it with another child.

December 1, 2008

Christmas Tree

This last weekend we put up the Christmas tree, after a lot of begging from Tyler. Saturday the tree went up, Sunday the lights and train and today we finished by putting up the decorations. I have to say the tree is beautiful, as it is every year.

I have a wonderful husband who every year puts up my tree and house lights and does an awesome job at it. Yep, he's taken. Here he is putting on the lights and putting the train together.

Tyler helping daddy with the lights, what a cute duo...

Also, tonight we started off a new holiday tradition, it's from a book I received a few Christmas' ago from my Aunt Kathy. You start the 1st of December and each day until Christmas by reading a Thought, Scripture, Activity, Song and Story all regarding the true mean of Christmas. For instance today's Song was "He Sent His Son" and the thought was:

The Father gave His Son and the Son gave His life. Without giving there is no true Christmas, and without sacrifice there is no true worship. "Christmas means 'giving', and the gift without the giver is bare. Give of yourselves; give of your substance; give of your heart and mind... "Christmas means 'compassion and love' and, most of all 'forgiveness'... How poor indeed would be our lives without the influence of His teachings and His matchless example... "He whose birth we commemorate this season is more than the symbol of a holiday. He is the Son of God, ... the Redeemer of mankind, the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace" (Gordon B. Hinckley, BYU Speeches, 14 Dec. 1960, 3-6).

Tyler had so much fun with this tonight (I hope for nights to come) and I feel like it is a great way for him to understand the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Christ. Especially since all he has been talking about lately is Santa this and Santa that. Which is great but I also what him to understand what we are really celebrating.

After what I like to call the 24 day family home evening plan. We put on our tree decorations and here is Tyler with the tree.

and Tyler smelling the tree

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