We are a loving family of three, hoping to be a family of four.
We love life and can't wait to share it with another child.

January 2, 2010

Ski Day

So this past month I've been dying to take Tyler skiing. Yesterday my sister-in-law Angie told me about a free tow rope at Sundance, so today we went and it was a perfect ski day for Tyler. The first trip up the tow rope was rough but after convincing him to try again we did great. We went up about 5-6 times lasting a few hours. He did great at his snow-plow after explaining how it was done, and then teaching him how to turn. This all a refresher from last year. The hill is hardly a slope, but because it is somewhat flat it is easy to have him practice how to ski without him going to fast and loosing control. He said of few times "this is Awesome". And would say "this is the last time" but then wanted to go up again. I know he had a great time and I am so proud of him for doing so well skiing, listening and not complaining. Yippee and Good Job Tyler, Mommy is so proud of you!!!

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