We are a loving family of three, hoping to be a family of four.
We love life and can't wait to share it with another child.

September 7, 2009

Summer Activties

Clinton is Tyler's soccer coach. Tyler played the first half and then sat out the rest of the game. The games are 1 hour and for the younger kids on the team, it seems to be a little too long - the rain didn't help. However, the kids always seem to have fun playing.

Tyler has been asking to go golfing for several weeks now. I think since we live by a golf course he has been very interested in trying it out. Anyway, we had a blast and when the ball would go into the hole he would pick it up and with one arm say YES! Tyler even got a great shot (pic) of Mom and Dad. On the last hole, we all made a hole in one, Tyler doesn't like to be suprised, so he was nervous about the fire blasting out the top but no fire came out, Clinton was a little disappointed. We had a great time.

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